Migrant shorebirds - Sanderlings (Calidris alba) in Trinidad & Tobago |
Migrant shorebirds I find to be delightful, really enjoy photographing them and just being around them. Shorebirds such as the Sanderling generally work their way down the East coast of America, those that land up in Tobago mostly make the flight in single leg, some however stop over in the Lesser Antilles. Sanderlings are often seen in small groups here and quite a large number appear to move with loose flocks of various other shorebirds such as Ruddy Turnstones, Black bellied plovers and of course other Sandpipers.
Photography : Samsung Pro815 digital bridge camera
Location : Pigeon point beach, South Western Tobago, Trinidad & Tobago West Indies
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Birds of Tobago
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photos by Robert Brent
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