Showing posts with label House Wren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Wren. Show all posts

House Wren

House Wren (Trogloytes aedon) Birds of Tobago
House Wren

Order : Passeriformes
Also known as Passerine’s or perching birds. Any member of the largest avian order which includes more than 5,700 species, more than half of all living birds. Passerine’s are true perching birds with four toed feet, three toes facing forward and one larger toe facing backwards.

Family : Wrens (Troglodytidae)
A new world family compromising about 59 species of which only one (Troglodytes troglodytes) has spread to old world regions where it is simply known as the Wren. Wrens are generally small, inconspicuous birds except for their comparatively loud songs. They are insectivorous, with short wings and often upturned tails.

Name : House Wren (Trogloytes aedon)
Length : 12 - 13 cm ( 4½ in )

As it’s name suggests this little Wren is often found around houses and gardens in search of insects and spiders which form it’s main diet. The nest is built in tree holes and crevices or similar man made structures, lined with soft materials where the female lays up to 6 eggs, though the nest may be parasited by the Shiny Cowbird, norally at the expense of the House Wrens own eggs or chicks. The House Wren ranges from Canada to Tierre del Fuego, usually inhabiting suburban areas, woodland and forest edges, especially where thick undergrowth is present.

#House Wren #Trogloytes aedon #Wrens #Troglodytidae #Passeriformes #perching birds #songbirds #birds #birds of Tobago

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